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Tips To Help Your 'At Home' E-Discovery Project

April 1 Email Blast.png
  1. Find a quiet and private (as private as possible) workspace. 
    There are a lot of adjustments and distractions for new at-home workers.  From pets and kids, to that window that could use a quick wipe can be hard to stay focused and in the groove.  A place that is separated from these new distractions will help you build a new and normal work routine.

  2. Take breaks and mix it up! 
    From water cooler catch ups, to meetings, coffee breaks, and quick impromptu discussions, working in a traditional office provides opportunities to change gears a lot.  Admittedly, these sometimes can lead to inefficiencies, but they also yield opportunities for your brain to take quick breaks.  They allow you to move around, stretch muscles, let your eyes take a break, and recharge you a bit. The key aspect to this is to try and keep your breaks to a set time and frequency.  You don’t want to take a break that eats up most of your day because you ended up following distractions down a rabbit hole. Breaks can also be a motivator “If I finish up with these 3 tasks, then I’ll take a break and water the potted plants...which I’ve been thinking about all morning.” :-)

  3. Good Internet. 
    This really could be put as number 1.  The reality is, we live in a very collaborative world which is connected digitally via the internet.  Being able to chat, email, share and discuss work with your cohorts and other team members is critical to being as productive as you can. The backbone of this workflow is the internet.

    If you notice your machine is running a bit slow there are a few things you can try. First, the good ole restart.  Computers can open up a lot of connects to the internet. Think of these as the internet’s version of the morning commute to the office. If there are too many connections, then your internet traffic slows down.  Restarting your computer can release some of these connections and bring back faster internet speeds. Next, restart your router (I usually just unplug it...wait 20 seconds, then plug it back in). And finally, f you are really struggling with internet speeds, it might be time to disconnect the kids from their screens. This is a touchy subject in my household, but streaming devices, chats, emails, and games can really bog down internet connection speeds for the whole house.

  4. Utilize Your Calendar. 
    Putting everything from meetings and calls, to deadlines, breaks, and follow up reminders, on your calendar really helps to visualize your day.  If you do get distracted, having a calendar reminder pop up really helps refocus you back in.

  5. Meal and Snack Preparation.
    Having prepared snacks and meals for the work day can help keep you on task. Instead of thinking about what to make, or worse, forgetting to eat all together, prep some some easy snacks to easily grab when the hunger hits!

  6. Make a List of Tasks that Must be Completed Each Day.
    Having a concrete list of items to complete throughout the day really helps me stay on course. Other items will come up, but I like having a good, solid outline to start each day. Don’t forget to add these items to your calendar. :)

  7. Video Meetings.
    No matter what meeting platform you and your company use, try turning on the video portion! It is a great way to stay connected to coworkers when it can feel like we’re so far apart. I’ve found this helps to make things a little more ‘normal’ while working from home.

  8. Keep Household Chores to a Minimum.
    It’s easy to see that pile of laundry that needs to get done during work hours... I try very hard to keep all household chores on the back burner until the work day is complete. These are easy distractions…the laundry leads to the dishes, the dishes leads to cleaning the kitchen, etc. etc. Keeping work hours specifically for work, helps keep you focused on your tasks.

  9. Set a schedule.
    Try to start and stop working at the same time every day. This helps to separate your ‘work life’ and your ‘home life’, even if it is all occurring in the same physical space.

  10. And finally, the easiest part!

  1. Go to to create your FREE E-Discovery account

  2. Create your first project and upload your data

  3. Search, Review, & Tag

  4. Produce responsive documents to the other side

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