The smart solution for E-Discovery

Case Studies

How we partner with our clients

Firm Saves Time & Money by Bates Stamping with Indexed I/O

We interviewed one of our clients, a General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer of a hedge fund management firm, about his experience with Indexed I/O. The firm identified a need for Bates Stamping materials in connection with FOIA confidentiality requests and lacked the capacity to do this in-house. Indexed I/O was recommended to the firm by a compliance consultant and they have been utilizing us for six years and counting.

“Customer support was absolutely first class.  Knowledgeable experts were willing to spend significant time on weekends to help us meet critical time sensitive regulatory deadlines. I cannot overstate how helpful the customer support service was, and how it far surpassed anything I’ve seen with comparable service providers.”
-- General Counsel & Chief Compliance Officer

Indexed I/O: By using Indexed I/O, can you measure any reduced costs? 

Client: We can measure reduced costs in terms of time saved on Bates stamping, as well as in money saved by not engaging with a law firm for this task.

Indexed I/O: What is your favorite feature or part of Indexed I/O?

Client: Customer service

“We can measure reduced costs in terms of time saved on Bates stamping, as well as in money saved by not engaging with a law firm for this task.”
--General Counsel & Chief Compliance Officer

Indexed I/O: Do you have any feedback from your customer service experiences?

Client: Customer support was absolutely first class.  Knowledgeable experts were willing to spend significant time on weekends to help us meet critical time sensitive regulatory deadlines.  I cannot overstate how helpful the customer support service was, and how it far surpassed anything I’ve seen with comparable service providers.

Indexed I/O: What is your advice to others who might be considering our product?

Client:  Indexed I/O  is an excellent resource for outsourcing Bates stamping needs. They also have an outstanding customer support model for any questions or issues that may come up. 

Designed with simplicity and efficiency in mind, Indexed I/O is the future of eDiscovery. Want to learn more about how Indexed I/O can help you and your firm? Our experts can walk you through a demo and even give you a free trial! To learn more, contact Indexed I/O at 1.888.840.0709 or Contact Us here.

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